Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/banner.yml (excerpt) teaser:


HOME Teaser Banner


  • name: Home Teaser Banner banner: enabled: true id: home_teaser_banner comment: Top teaser shown on home page type: teaser badges: false icon_family: MDI properties: mt-3 mb-9 cards:
    • name: Teaser Content card: enabled: true width: 12 type: text title: Jekyll One Template translate_title: notranslate tagline: powerful modern static websites description_properties: mt-3 mb-3 description: >

    Jekyll One is a full-featured template for Jekyll to create modern dynamic websites. J1 provides creative people with a rich toolset to build great sites and easy-to-use project management to simplify the build and deployment processes.

    J1 meets Jekyll and Bootstrap and makes a lot of friends. The template system combines the best free software for the Web. Jekyll One Template is OpenSource and the modules included are free to use as well. No license issues for private or professional use.

    Explore what's possible if you go for static websites.


    • name: Roundtrip button: enabled: true id: roundtrip translate: notranslate title: Roundtrip tagline: learn top features class: btn btn-xl btn-primary text-uppercase text-left mr-2 mb-2 style: “min-width: 270px” icon: briefcase-search-outline icon_color: icon_size: 3x href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/present_images/ target: … Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



      Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

      pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




      Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


      J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




      Layout configuration settings

      # lanes:


      TEASER banner


  • lane: enabled: true id: home_teaser_banner region: body-main type: async properties: elevated-z0 Divider Banner Divider banners are pure decorative element for structuring a page by placing line-based delimiters.

Divider Banner Divider Banner Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/banner.yml (excerpt) divider:


DIVIDER properties


  • name: Divider Banner 1 banner: enabled: true id: divider-1 comment: Divider Banner 1 type: divider … Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



    Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

    pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




    Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


    J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




    Layout configuration settings

    # lanes:


    DIVIDER banner


  • lane: enabled: true id: divider-1 region: body-main type: async properties: mt-4 mb-4 Image-based Banners Image based banners are decorative elements as well to add image content in between of mainly text-based content.

Image Banner Places an configurable image (full width).

Image Banner Image Banner Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/banner.yml (excerpt) image:




  • name: Home Image Banner banner: enabled: true id: home_image_banner comment: Image banner shown on home page type: image properties: mt-6 mb-6 image: gridify: false height: 450 justify: true brightness: 80 opacity: false picture: /assets/images/modules/attics/ideas-start-here-1920x1280.jpg Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



    Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

    pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




    Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


    J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




    Layout configuration settings

    # lanes:


    IMAGE banner


  • lane: enabled: true id: home_image_banner region: body-main type: async Parallax Banner Places an image (full width) with a parallax effect. Additionally, a quotation text is configurable and placed centered on top of the image.

Parallax Banner Parallax Banner Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/banner.yml (excerpt) parallax:




  • name: Home Parallax Banner banner: enabled: true id: home_parallax_banner comment: Main parallax banner shown on home page type: parallax properties: cards:
    • name: Quote settings card: enabled: true type: quote cite_text_size: 300% cite_text_quotes: false cite_text: > Making is like Wanting,
      but even
      text_color: “#E0E0E0” gridify: true size_y: 450 darken: 6 background_image: /assets/images/modules/attics/ideas-start-here-1920x1280.jpg Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



      Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

      pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




      Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


      J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




      Layout configuration settings

      # lanes:


      PARALLAX banner


  • lane: enabled: true id: home_parallax_banner region: body-main type: async properties: mt-4 mb-4 Panels Building blocks of type panel are complex elements to present detailed information of a website.

Intro Panel Fully configurable display element, mainly used on landing pages, to give an overview on the services provided by the website.

Intro Panel Intro Panel Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/panel.yml (excerpt) intro:

  • name: Home Intro Panel panel: enabled: true id: home_intro_panel comment: Home Intro Panel type: intro animate: false properties: mt-5 mb-5 title: All in One title_translate: notranslate tagline: top features description_properties: mt-3 mr-3 mb-3 description: >

    People quite often ask if static websites make sense for anything beyond a one-page website. Some others see in static websites the stone age of the World Wide Web. What's about static websites today? What's achievable?

    This board highlights top features, which make static webs not only an option, but an attractive method to create fast, secure, and sophisticated websites for many use cases.


    • name: Tools card: enabled: true type: text title: Tools title_translate: notranslate tagline: J1 Theme icon: tools icon_family: MDI icon_size: 3x icon_color: text: >

    Current Technology and Design. Excellent performance in running a website. Use Jekyll One to present your content at its best.


    • name: Read More button: type: text text: Make your Web Site unique class: icon: icon_size: icon_color: href: /pages/public/panels/intro_panel#current-technology … Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



      Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

      pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




      Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


      J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




      Layout configuration settings

      # lanes:


      INTRO panel


  • lane: enabled: true id: home_intro_panel region: body-main type: async properties: elevated-z0 Service Panel Complex, but fully configurake display element (mainly used on landing pages) to give a detailed inside view on the services provided by the website.

Service Panel Service Panel Configuration Find the block configuration followed by the placement setup for the layout home.

Block Configuration from ~/_data/blocks/panel.yml (excerpt) service:

  • name: Home Service Panel panel: enabled: true id: home_service_panel comment: Home Service Panel type: service scroller: true properties: mt-5 mb-5 title: Jekyll One tagline: featured template for jekyll description_properties: mt-3 mr-3 mb-3 description: >

    People quite often ask if static websites make sense for anything beyond a one-page website. Some others see in static websites the stone age of the World Wide Web. What's about static websites today? What's achievable?

    This board highlights top features, which make static webs not only an option but a state-of-the-art technology to create fast, secure, and sophisticated websites for many use cases.

    • Current Technology and Design. Excellent performance on all devices.
    • Fully Responsive. Best results on PCs, Tablets, and SmartPhones.
    • Start in no time. No programming is needed using Jekyll One.


    • name: General Features card: enabled: true id: card_1 icon: globe-model icon_family: MDI icon_size: mdi-6x icon_color: md-white href: /pages/public/features/general_features/ title: Jekyll One tagline: General Features header_translate: notranslate text: >

    Current software counts. Excellent tools in their latest versions make the rocket engine for each and every website. Jekyll One is using current software in their latest versions. All of them are OpenSource and free to use. No license issues for private or professional use.

    The base of J1.


    • name: Platforms service: id: A1 description: >

    The template system J1 is based on the Ruby language of version 2.x. For sure, not the latest language version for Ruby but the supported platform for the latest Jekyll software.

    Websites created by Jekyll One are projects managed by NodeJS. The built-in script engine provided by the package manager npm of NodeJS simplifies the management of J1 projects a lot. Well-known commands typically used to manage software projects are at your fingertips. Easy to learn, easy to remember. Commands support creators to concentrate on the content.

    Not get lost in project management.

    Ruby 2.7
    Jekyll 4.3
    NodeJS 14.x

    title: Platforms href: “/pages/public/features/general_features/#platforms” … Placement from ~/_data/layouts/home.yml



    Configuration data to specify the (HTML) Layout of all content

    pages of type HOME placed by the content loader




    Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams


    J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.




    Layout configuration settings

    # lanes:


    SERVIVE panel


  • lane: enabled: true id: home_service_panel region: body-main type: async properties: elevated-z0